Blockchain tech in action

The Crypto Cantina on August 8 was co-organized by the Association Blockhain Costa Rica Education Committee and ReFi Costa Rica and took place in Sendero (Barrio Escalante). The presenters on this occasion were Leonardo Arias from Flashbots and Ranulfo Paiva Sobrinho from Cambiatus.

Leonardo Arias spoke about the “Redistribution of Value in Ethereum”. Flashbots is a research and development organization created to mitigate the negative externalities posed by the Maximal Extractable Value (MEV). In short, the Flashbots initiative identified that the approach taken by block producers enabled them to make huge profits and accumulate wealth. They proposed a new system in which block producers would still make a profit, albeit to a lesser extent. The portion they would stop earning would be directed by Flashbots (for example through their MEV-Boost and MEV-Share products) to the community, with the aim of redistributing it equitably. Leo stressed that this approach is an experiment in constant evolution and that there is a lot of work to be done in the next 5 years.

Ranulfo Paiva Sobrinho shared about how DAOs and collaborative businesses adopted governance practices that inherited characteristics of centralized systems, which are influenced by polarizing mathematical logic, such as Boolean logic (where the options are just “zero” or ” one”, for or against, black or white). He showed how these logic influence both centralized and decentralized voting systems. Next, he presented the basics of Neutrosophy through voting examples in both types of systems. Ranulfo shared that he will be collaborating with the creator of Neutrosophy, Professor Florentin Smarandache, in the development of Neutrosophy applications for the governance of DAOs and collaborative businesses. In addition, he shared that the first application case will be with Cofiblocks.

After each presentation, both exhibitors answered a series of interesting questions raised by the attendees

Karla Córdoba Brenes, Vice President of the Blockchain Association Costa Rica Board, Luis Mariano Cajiao and Gonzalo Chacón from the Education Committee, shared the agenda of activities of the Crypto Cantina for the month of August, and made a call for people with projects, initiatives or project ideas that are interested in participating in the upcoming Open Mic and Feedforward sessions.